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Halloween Rock Magnets

Halloween Rock Magnets

This quick and easy Halloween kids craft can be made in under 30 minutes using items that you already have around the house!





Magic Dancing Rice Experiment

This can be a fantastic example for children to show cause and effect as well as chain reactions. 

Materials Needed

  • White Vinegar
  • Baking Soda
  • Instant Rice (non-instant rice is too dense for this project)
  • Clear Jar
  • Water
  • Food Coloring (Optional)

How To

  1. Fill the Clear Jar 3/4 Way Full Of Water. If desired, mix in food coloring.
  2. Add in 1 TBS of Baking Soda and Stir. Mix completely.
  3. 1/4 Cup Of Uncooked Rice. Note that instant rice is needed for this project! Non-instant rice is too dense and won’t result in a “dancing” reaction.
  4. Add in 1-2 TBS of White Vinegar.

A reaction can occur with just baking soda and vinegar, but when the other ingredients are added a different reaction occurs.

This science experiment would be excellent in a preschool or lower level elementary classroom setting or at home. Children will enjoy the dancing of the rice. Maybe even turn on some music and tell kids to dance like the rice.



Source: greenkidcrafts


    Looking for a simple and cheap ways to keep your kids busy?

    Who would have though there are so many things to do with something as simple as straws?!


    You don’t need much to make your own straw beads. Just some yarn and straws.

    It can be paper straws, but plastic straws work, as well! 


    • To make your straw beads, all you have to do is cut your straw into little half inch sections.
    • The best part about this project is, the size of your straw beads can vary because you decide how long to make the beads!
    • You can make your beads all one color with just a straw or two, or you can go all out and make them lots of colors. I really like the way they make her straw beads shiny here.
    • In order to string your beads, just add a bit of tape to the end of the yarn so it doesn’t fray as you play with it.

    This craft is great for preschoolers (supervised, of course), as well as older kids. So, that make it a wonderful craft ideas for times when you have multiple age groups working together.

    Just make sure that they are old enough to understand that the beads cannot be eaten!


    source: kidsactivitiesblog