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Homemade 2 Ingredient Play Dough

Homemade 2 Ingredient Play Dough

Kids has been crazy for Play Dough. There are lot of DIY ingredients on how to make play doughs all over the internet. Me and my 8 year old has tried a lot and this by far is the easiest!

If you’re looking for something fun to do with your kids with few ingredients, try this out! You’ll come up with a soft play dough which you can mold without cooking required.

2 things you’ll need:

  • Conditioner (Any hair-conditoner will do)
  • Cornstarch



The correct ratio is 1 part conditioner to 2 parts cornstarch. I used one cup of conditioner and mixed it with 2 cups cornstarch in a large plastic and unused bowl and just mix it up. Stir until your preferred texture. Feel free to add  few drops of food coloring to the mixture to make different colors. Store playdough in a Ziploc bag when finished. Viola!

Racing Pompom Balls

Racing Pompom Balls

Kids been playing on their tablets and phones all day especially during summer break and it’s been a challenge on what’s going to keep them busy without using any gadgets. This game somehow has been their favorite so far!

Racing Pompom balls is a great activity for a bad weather day, a day that’s just too hot to play outside or can be on your party game list too!


It’s so easy you can just tape a track to the floor (with any colored masking tape) and allow them to blow pompom balls around the track with a straw. You’ll be surprised how this game brings out that competitive nature in kids.

The challenging part is how to keep the pompom balls on the track which also good for hand-eye coordination.

Below are the things you need to prepare for:

  • Colored masking tape
  • Pompom balls
  • Straw
  • Clear space enough for the players to play
  • You can add some obstacles like putting some rings, basket as a trap or tissue holder as tunnels
  • Rewards and Consolation Prizes for the winner/s


I did prepare 5 Snickers and 5 home-made chocolate chip cookies as a consolation price and a handful of Reeses for the winner. Trust me, they didn’t really care about the prizes as they all just want to win they had to dispute and did a rematch. Lol!