Transform cardboard boxes into something new and fun for your kids!

Maybe you should stop throwing your boxes away and start saving them for future boredom of your little angels. Tired of hearing “Mom..I’m bored” and “Mom, I have nothing to do” from your kids while you’re busy and going crazy juggling chores? You’re not alone! There are tons of creative things you can do with these boxes and one of my favorite is Cardboard Box Marble Labyrinth. It’s entertaining not only for kids but for adults too! Of course I tried it too!
Here’s what you’ll need to make one:
- Cardboard box
- Utility knife or scissors
- Craft or Popsicle Sticks
- Glue gun
- Nickel
- Pencil
- Marble, pompoms or pin balls
Cut the lid off and cut a little over an inch off each of the flaps on the lid. This will allow you to put the lid back inside the box, with it now being lower in the box allowing for walls around the track.
Then start making the track by cutting craft sticks and hot gluing them to the box. You can add some paint and holes to make it more colorful and fun!
CTTO of the pictures grabbed from Pinterest.