Do’s and Don’ts in Throwing a Children's Party

Planning for your kid's birthday party is fun yet stressful indeed that we get carried away most of the time and forget some of the things to be mindful of.
Here's the list of Do's and Don'ts that may not be a life but definitely a party saver. ;)
DO send invitations early
Make it a month in advance, at least. People are quite busy and they’re more likely to decline if it’s Monday and your party is scheduled for this coming Saturday. This is also more common if your child’s birthday falls during the holiday season or in the summer when family vacations are more frequent.
DO be specific
Always specify what time of day you are throwing the party and whether you are serving lunch or dinner. Also, since we are talking about children’s parties, make sure to indicate if parents can drop off their children or if they are required to stay for the party. It could also help if you are clear about whether siblings are welcome.
DO include an RSVP date
It would be easier for party hosts to know what to expect when they receive responses from guests in a timely manner. Give people a specific date by which to RSVP, and a method of contacting you (email/text/call).
DO make it palatable and enjoyable for the parents
Let’s face it, unless they’re family or close friends, most parents aren’t dying to spend their weekends at your kid’s party. The least you can for is to make it enjoyable for them too. If your party is in the morning, serve bagels and coffee. If the event is at one of those bounce house/trampoline/rock climbing venues, let the kids eat the sub par pizza that’s included and bring in real food for the adults.
DO be sensitive to food allergies
If you are aware that one of of your guests has a food allergy, have an alternative food on hand for that child to eat. Parents of kids with allergies are used to bringing along “safe” food for their kids, but they would really be super appreciative if their kids can partake in the party treats, too.
DO send thank you notes
Although generic pre-printed notes may not be as genuine as hand-written notes, it’s better than nothing at all. Get your kids in the habit of thanking their family and friends for their kindness and generosity. It’s a skill that will stay with them long after the party is over.
DON’T exclude kids
It’s fine if your child doesn’t want to invite the entire class, but you also wouldn’t want to exclude 2 kids out of 20 either, especially if you are distributing invitations via their teacher. If you’re keeping your party small, be discreet and tell your child not to talk about it in front of their classmates who were not invited.
DON’T do the “no gifts, please” thing
It’s actually a noble idea to ask the guests to not bring gifts anymore — your kid has way too much stuff and gifts aren’t cheap. However, people feel compelled to bring something,and those who don’t then feel awkward for coming empty handed.
DON’T open the presents at the party
A lot of party places would ask guests to drop their gifts in a designated area before the start of the party. These gifts would then be whisked to the birthday kid’s car at the end—and for good reason. It is often quite time consuming and chaotic. Wait until the guests go home before tackling the gifts with your child.
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