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When Your Best Doesn’t Feel Like Enough

When Your Best Doesn’t Feel Like Enough

Parents want to do the best they can when it comes to their kids. The majority of our time and effort goes towards supporting and taking care of their children. We work hard to make sure our kids are happy and healthy. Why do we often end up feeling like our best efforts still aren’t enough? Here are some tips that can change your perspective and help you realize that you are enough for your kids.

Stop the comparisons

The biggest trap parents fall into is comparing yourself to others. This is unfair because no two parents are the same and no family situation or child is the same. What works for you may not work for another family and each family’s values, dynamic, and interests are different. Because of this, comparisons are not worth worrying over. In the age of social media, it can be hard not to think everyone has a picture-perfect life but it’s important to remember that social media only shows you a picture, often staged and filtered, and is not a true reflection of their daily lives.

Reality check

Sometimes we all need to give ourselves a reality check. Remember, all siblings have conflict, all kids throw tantrums, all houses get messy, and all parents get tired. Things are never perfect for anyone. It is wise to remember this when you start to get down about a situation that is making you feel like you aren’t enough. Reaching out to a friend, you will often that they too experience similar situations.  It is nice to have the commadary that comes from knowing that they are experiencing the same battles in their life too.

Do what you love

Some people are great at interior design, some love craft projects, others have culinary skills, and still others are efficient and organized. We may strive to be the best at all of these things to our families but it usually doesn’t work out that way. Focus on what you love and enjoy those things with your family. There is no reason to beat yourself up over things that you do not enjoy. Sometimes when I feel like my best is not enough it is because I put too many expectations on myself. I do not enjoy craft projects, so why do I feel the need to do them with my kids? I do enjoy cooking and having my kids help me. If I choose the activity I enjoy more, my kids get quality time with me that we both enjoy. Be honest with yourself about your expectations for your kids and for yourself. Do your best with what you have and enjoy it along the way.

Count your blessings

One way to change your perspective from negative to positive is to start counting your blessings. It is so easy to focus on negatives when the great things going on in your life are passing you by. Start by listing five blessings per day. Write them down. When you are feeling down go back and read them and you will most likely feel an attitude boost in no time.

Your child loves you

One of the most important things to remember is that your kids love you. Even when you are tired, overworked, overlooked, and feel like your best is not enough, your kids will love you anyway. They love spending time with you. They love your gifts and quirks. They may not always act appreciative or show their love in an obvious way but they do love you. The consistency, support, and love that you show them every day does not go to waste. It is enough.



source: Sarah Lyons

First Day of Kindergarten: 5 Ways to Make It Easier

Kindergarten is an exciting milestone for your little one! It can also be a time filled with anxieties and challenges. Here are five ways to make the transition easier on both of you.

1. Keep it positive. When you talk to your child about the upcoming school year and her transition to Kindergarten, be optimistic and positive. When children sense we are anxious, they may become anxious as well. This can be really tough if you’re feeling anxious or worried about her, so it’s important to check in with your own emotions as well, and get support if you need it. Keep in mind that there is no pressure to overhype it, and certainly you should validate your child’s concerns and listen to her fears and worries, but keeping a general sense of optimism will help your child feel more at ease.

2. Get acquainted. If the school does an orientation, that is a great chance for you and your child to go and meet teachers and classmates. If not, it’s a good idea to arrange a tour of a school and a meeting with your child’s teacher. Prepare a one-page cheat sheet about your child for the teacher and include name and nickname, photo, medical conditions, likes and dislikes, interests and talents, etc. This will help the teacher get to know your child and give him or her some conversation starters for building a relationship. If you can arrange for your child to get acquainted with the teacher as well, that’s even better. If he can begin to form a relationship with the teacher before school starts, it will make the separation from you a bit easier. If you can set up a playdate with another child in his class a few times before school starts, having that familiar face in class will be a comfort and help to ease your child’s nerves.

3. Practice. Discuss with your child’s teacher what a typical day will look like and what your child will be doing in the first few weeks of school, and then begin practicing those things over the summer with your child. This will help familiarize your child with the routine and structure of school so that the transition will go a little more smoothly for her. In addition to practicing things like standing in line, sitting still, following directions, etc., it’s a good idea to start practicing social-emotional skills as well. Role play with your child how to introduce herself to others, how to ask to join a group or game, using words to express feelings and wants, sharing, taking turns, and appropriate solutions to conflict. The more you practice, the more confident your child will feel and the better those skills will develop!

4. Find an anchor. Some children can skip off to the classroom without so much as a backward glance, but many children experience separation anxiety. For those children, it’s helpful to find an anchor – something that helps them feel close to you while they’re away. It could be something as simple as a matching necklace, a photo of you, or a note in the lunchbox. It’s a kind of security blanket that your child can take with her every day.

5. Stay attuned. There are sure to be lots of emotional ups and downs as your child transitions into kindergarten, for you and for him! Prepare for a few meltdowns and muster up some extra patience and empathy. As your child processes all of the new experiences, he’s sure to need a safe space to run to. You’ve got this!



source: Rebecca Eanes

We need to go back to the old days, when movement was a way of life. Your kids need to learn that too!

We need to go back to the old days, when movement was a way of life. Your kids need to learn that too!

Convenience! Ahhh… yes, this era is more concerned and after convenience in everything. But hey, who doesn’t want that?!

Given the growth of convenience — as an ideal, as a value, as a way of life — it is worth asking what our fixation with it is doing to our mental, emotional health and body. When was the last time you were actually mobile? Do you realize how these “convenience” we prioritize on a daily basis lowers down our stamina?

Stamina is the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort. Though this word is mainly associated with physical activities, it may refer to mental exertions too. Physical stamina is more commonly meant when we refer to ‘stamina’. It isn’t required only by athletes, or those who are too involved in physical exertion. It is a daily requirement for all of us to handle our hectic lives, which nowadays demands only one thing, ‘keep running’ for all that you desire.

Here are some simple tips to increase your stamina:

  • Eat Healthy

Our body reflects what we eat. You are what you eat. If we feed it healthy, it will work well, or else it will deteriorate. To increase your stamina naturally, it is very important to focus on what you are eating and whether it is healthy or not.

Some foods to improve stamina naturally are green leafy vegetables, oatmeal, bananas, peanut butter, carrots, beetroot juice, quinoa, eggplant, asparagus, pumpkin and lean meat, chicken, fish and eggs.

  • Stop avoiding Carbs

Yes, you read that right! To increase your physical strength and stamina, you have to incorporate some carbs into your diet.

  • Water works wonders

Hydrating your body holds much relevance beyond enhancing your beauty and managing your weight. Dehydration induces tiredness. So, drink as much water as you can throughout the day and night to keep your muscles relaxed.

  • Walk! Walk! Walk!

Being regularly involved in physical activities is the key to cure all the problems. Seriously, what is 30 minutes of walking? Even things like standing on the subway or walking while you talk on the phone, rather than sitting down, can have an impact!

  • Rest well

Our body needs that rest to heal and cure itself. Adequate sleep and rest leave us energized and refreshed. Proper rest helps in shooting up and restoring the energy levels. This helps us to perform better and for a longer period of time.

  • Think Positive!

This is more about mental stamina. Mental stamina aids in better performance as there is focus and sharpness of mind.


One of the biggest tools for success also happens to be one of the simplest ones!