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What if a sorting activity didn’t have to be stationary? What if we could make it full body and full fun? That’s the basis of the color sorting cube!

We use sorting in so many subjects and aspects of life. This is one majorly important skill. How do you make a color sorting cube?


-Tissue Box

-Construction Paper

-Dot Stickers (THE BEST)

-Packing tape

Grab a tissue box as your “cube” and glue four sheets of colored paper on the sides of it (each matching a color of dot stickers).

On the other two sides, put black paper so those would be the “blank” sides of the activity.

To help keep this cube safe from toddler hands, add some clear packing tape over the top to laminate the cube so to speak.

To put the correct colored sticker on the right sides of the cube, my nephew (2.5) needed to twist, turn, rotate, and maneuver the cube.

Immediately, this activity changed from him just placing stickers on a simple surface to one where he is dramatically rotating the cube to find the correct next color.

The hand-eye coordination, problem solving, dexterity – oh man, there is a whole lot of motor skill goodness in this little cube!

This was such an easy activity to through together for my nephew– the learning, the moving, the independent play – this color sorting cube had it all!


Source: busytoddler.com